Online Resources


ABDO Digital Bookshelf

Free ebooks from ABDO. Please ask your librarian for login information. Some titles have ebooks with additional activities, printables, and videos. Search the AspenCat catalog for online resources to access.

Cloud Library

The AspenCat Consortium offers ebooks through Cloud Library. Click the button to browse our collection of ebooks. If you need help setting up an account or downloading items, please contact the library or visit our help page.
To read books offline with a PC or a Windows 8 tablet you must also download Adobe Digital Editions, found here.


MackinVia Educational Ebooks

The Lincoln County Bookmobile is proud to provide ebooks for early literacy. The ebooks titles purchased from Mackin in 2014 were part of the Colorado State Grants to Libraries. Please contact the Bookmobile for more information. Teacher Guide– Learn how to use MackingVIA in the classroom. Student Guide– Learn to navigate, take notes, and create a bibliography.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.

Practice Test Geeks

FREE take tests in all aspects of life-medical, education, driving, jobs, citizenship, food, military, and study resources. Practice for CNA, ACTs, postal exam, safeserv, or ASVAB, and more!

Click here for more General Web Resources  

Privacy Education
Protecting your privacy is hard in our complicated, technology-driven world.

People Search
Gateway to Public records.

United States County Records
Search County Public Records at court clerk and recorder offices.

County Clerks
County clerk court records and county information for research purposes. Perfect for family records and genealogy research.

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